Training material

CoCliServ's training material is currently under production, with some delays. Apologies.

This material will consist of the following items: Series of lessons each one containing: 

  • Short videos, summarizing  what will be learned from the lesson and what we knew at the start of the project;
  • Videos with the CoCliServ research team containing material on the key things we learned from implementing CoCliServ (WP/ WT leaders); and the content of the associated textual material
  • Textual material consisting of: The deliverables; The papers; and sometimes Multiple choice quesitons and/or “food for thought” short exercizes.
  • Furhter readings, online and offline.

We targeted that the material represents a workload of 6 ECTS (european credit transfer units) and that it will be integral part of Université Paris Saclay master degree in Adaptation to climate change.
